When to speak out on social issues

It feels like most of the world is on fire. It has felt like that for most of the last few years, as we’ve all tried to make sense of a global pandemic, an increased understanding of our society’s inequities, and more conflicts than at almost any time in our history.

When and how do organisations, brands and leaders speak out on social issues?

The Institute of Directors Aberdeen & Grampian asked Dawn Bryan from The Kaleidoscope Group and I to try to answer this challenging question.

It’s a vast subject to cover in a one-hour webinar – and there were some very thoughtful and thought provoking questions from the audience.

You can watch the video here

The webinar covers:

  • The complex factors you need to consider when deciding to speak out, including the long- and short-term implications for your organisation
  • The protocols leaders you need to put in place to help navigate these situations in ways the minimise risk and maximise positive impact
  • The tools and knowledge you need to speak up with clarity and purpose

If you’d like to learn more about speaking out on social issues, please reach out to Dawn or myself on LinkedIn.

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